Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What Made You Weird?

Going through some old writing and found this little gem, born from an article in Coilhouse Magazine.

What made you weird?

Fantastic question, I think. What better inspiration for writing to draw from than your own personal history?

(and if you don't think you're weird, then what the hell are you?)
"For many of us there is an event, a circumstance or a series of both that altered us in a specific way, making us strange, odd, whatever you want to call it enough to seek lives less ordinary. It’s different for everyone - Nadya, for instance, was inspired in part by Janet Jackson’s Rhythm Nation video’s military look and overall stompiness. For me, there were several components and so I present you a partial list of What Made Me Weird."

And here is my list.


What made YOU weird?